Use this guide to better navigate the King's General and Reference Collections.
For maps, find our Location details on our Homepage.
If you have trouble finding anything in the building, please ask the Circulation Desk or Contact Us.
A lot of the information provided in this guide is transferable to academic libraries across the country. The biggest differences will be in the structure of the buildings and the rooms where the collections are kept. Some of the specifics of the King's library are outlined below.
Taking advantage of the natural light, we keep our Reference Collection and Fine Arts books on the Main Level in the Reading Room. Here, you will also find our Serials and a small collection of CDs and DVDs.
The majority of our General Collection is kept in the Stacks on the Lower Level. Very few of these books are non-circulating, with the main exception being the bound, back-issues of Serials kept amongst the rest of the collection. However, it's safe to assume that most of the books found on the Lower Level can be borrowed. For circulation details, see the Borrowing information on our Homepage, or ask our staff at the front desk for assistance.
Items in our Special Collections are searchable in our catalogue and as such have their own call numbers. Though they are closed off to physical browsing, you can contact the library in advance to browse specific requested items in the Rare Books Consulting Room on the Main Floor. To make a request, fill out our Non-Circulating Materials Request form or email