The Borrow Anywhere Return Anywere program enables you to borrow items from any public, university, or community college library in Nova Scotia and return those items to any public, university, or community college library in the province.
Borrow Anywhere: Set up your student ID card at the King's Library and use it as your library card. At public libraries, register for a library card.
Return Anywhere: Books belonging to any library in Nova Scotia (public, university, or community college) can be returned at any other library in Nova Scotia, no matter how far away it is.
Exceptions: Interlibrary Loan books: these will usually have a band of coloured paper around the book's cover, and have been ordered in from outside your library system (often from outside Nova Scotia). They won't appear on your Novanet account. You can login here to check if you have Interlibrary Loan books checked out. Interlibrary Loans must be returned to the library that loaned them to you.
Audiovisual materials: some libraries request that DVDs, CDs, and other audiovisual materials be returned only to the library that owns them. If they have a preference, this should generally be indicated on the DVD or CD case. When in doubt, call the Circulation Desk of the library that owns the material.
Borrow Anywhere, Return Anywhere is an initiative of Libraries Nova Scotia.
Your student ID (B00…) number is assigned to you on admission to the program. This is your academic ID. Please include it when corresponding with everyone who isn’t your faculty instructor.
Get your Student ID Card sent to you by filling out the Distance Education DalCard form. Your ID card will also act as your Library card.
Off-campus access to E-Resources
Current students have remote access to all databases, e-journals, and e-resources via the proxy server. The most seamless access point is via the Library's online catalogue, which establishes your institutional affiliation. When asked for credentials, log in with your NetID and password.
Technical assistance to access E-Resources
If you require technical assistance to access e-resources:
Student support for Brightspace is also provided by Dalhousie’s IT Help Desk.
The Council of Atlantic University Libraries Borrowing Card gives the card holder in-person borrowing privileges at CAUL/CBUA libraries, and many university libraries across Canada. Borrowers' privileges are similar to their home institution's. Find a current list of libraries available to CAUL card holders and more information on the Canadian University Reciprocal Borrowing Agreement website. Please email to register.
Eduroam (education roaming) is a wireless service that allows students, staff, and faculty to use their own home institution’s wireless credentials to access wireless network services when visiting any other eduroam affiliated institution without having to set up a guest account. The best practice is to configure eduroam on your device while you are on campus.
If you experience issues while attempting to access wireless service at another institution through the eduroam setup on your device, you need to contact Dalhousie's help desk for assistance. Support services at other eduroam affiliated sites you may visit are not required under the eduroam agreement to provide major support - this is the sole responsibility of the home institution.
Chat with a Novanet Librarian, no matter where you are. The Live Help chat service provides Novanet students and faculty with one-on-one reference and research assistance remotely via instant messaging chat. Use the Live Help chat box located below or on the Library's website.
Students are also always welcome to call the King's Library with questions at 902-422-1271 ext. 171, or to email us at